My Story
Amanda Greener, a Star Director with Scentsy Wickless Candles, and I live in Ogden, Utah. I started my business with Scentsy in October 2007. Before I started I was a stay-at-home mom. We were an one-income family, which wasn't really working out for us. When I was introduced to Scentsy, it was like nothing I had ever seen before and I fell in love!! (As did you, I'm sure :)) I took one look and KNEW I had to be a part of this. So I signed up and made a goal for myself to make enough $ to pull us out of the red each month. That magic number was $200 every month. I knew that with hard work I could accomplish this goal. So I called all my best friends and family and twisted their arms right and good and begged them to throw a party for me. With a little fast talking, a sweet smile on my face, and throwing brownies in the deal to make it hard to resist, they all relented. ;) Needless to say it didn't take any arm twisting after that and my business just took off. To everyone it just made "scents". In no time my checks surpassed my goal of $200 every month. Before I knew it, my business was thriving and I have been having the time of my life ever since. I gone places and seen things that I would have never had the opportunity to experience before Scentsy. This is more that a party plan business or a wickless candle, it has enriched my life and I know it has for others as well. The rewards have been priceless!